Exciting FILHR Leadership Meet and Greet Event RecapÂ
On September 30th, 2023, Abu Dhabi came alive with the FILHR Leadership Meet and Greet Event, hosted at Bath Spa University’s training center. The evening began with a heartfelt reintroduction of FILHR, tracing its roots and highlighting the organization’s evolution over time. We took a moment to reflect on our past achievements and milestones, celebrating the impactful events that have defined our vibrant HR community.
But the day didn’t stop at nostalgia; it offered a glimpse into the future. FILHR Leadership shared exciting plans for upcoming activities and initiatives, promising more growth and empowerment. Attendees seized the opportunity to network, forging valuable connections with fellow HR professionals in the heart of Abu Dhabi.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this inspiring evening. Your presence made it truly special, and we can’t wait to share more FILHR events and HR excellence in the months to come. Stay tuned for what’s next on our journey of shaping the future of HR in Abu Dhabi!